
Posts Tagged ‘gluten-free’

I never was one for dietary restrictions.

I felt people who laid claim to some rarefied food allergy were just being “precious”.  Victims of a princess syndrome.  Looking for sympathy. crown

You get the idea.

Guess what?

After reading several articles about gluten free eating, most of them specifically addressing digestive issues I’d been having for some time, Gramma decided to try an experiment of one.


I’m here to serve up a big piece of gluten free humble pie to myself in apology to all those I doubted in the past.


I'm outta here!

I’m outta here!

The last two months have let a lot of air out of my gluten-free-is-just-a-craze balloon.

It’s difficult to put my finger on it exactly, but I do feel better.  Maybe there is something to the whole foods as inflammatory agents argument.

And, I seem to be losing some of my subcutaneous fat layer even though I’m not dieting.

Maybe it’s my age.

Maybe it’s the phase of the moon.


Who knows?

The experiment continues.

For me, I think gluten free will be a way of life from now on.   Good-bye butterscotch pie…good-bye homemade bread….

Definitely NOT gluten free...

Definitely NOT gluten free…

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Bubbles and booyah

Where fashion, fitness and (vegetarian) food collide. And champagne, obvs.

Old triathletes never die, they just transition....


Running and a million other topics!

Run. Dog. Cat. Cat. Me.

Everything you need to know about running and life and any other random crap I find bouncing through my mind like a ping pong ball. And always be sure your shoes are happy.